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secret fitness

is a private course that will let you improve your intimate life tremendously

imbuilding +yoga


secret fitness

or Imbuilding

(aka Intimate muscle building)

This course will let you:

  • Build - up your intimate muscles using Vagiton        

  • - a Kegel - based training system

  • Achieve greater compatibility with your partner 

  • Accomplish vaginal tightening

  • Improve your intimate life

  • Awaken your sexuality

  • Build - up your self- confidence

  • Drive your partner nuts:)

  • Improve your sexual responsiveness

  • Have incredible orgasms

  • Prevent pelvic floor weakening 

  • Get yourself ready for efficient labor

  • Re-strengthen and tone intimate muscles (after childbirth)

  • Prevent incontinence

  • and much more..

  • Note that your partner will see the changes starting the first week of training



  • This course is given in private sessions and taught by certified Imbuilding/Yoga instructor

  • We use Vagiton system with elements of Yoga

  • Each session is much like a private yoga class where personal space and privacy is respected.

  • You will not need to undress during the class.

  •  It is possible to take classes via Skype

Private Session


a private lesson


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